2024 Categories
Introducing our 10 sustainable categories for the 2024 Tidy Towns & Cities – Sustainability Awards!

EPA Waste Prevention & Reduction
Projects that focus on minimising what goes into landfills to create a circular economy.

Behaviour Chage Campaign & Education
An educational campaign or program that results in empowerment and behaviour change that builds community.

Young Legend
An individual or group of people all 25 years or younger who demonstrate outstanding contribution to any of the categories.

A project that takes action to address their local litter issues.

Any project that shows leadership and innovation in conservation, production and distribution of energy.

Any project that contributes to an accessible community with resilient, healthy and happy people.

Projects that protect, restore and prevent damage to the natural environment.

Indigenous Culture
Any project that recognises outstanding commitment to the conservation and celebration of the rich diverse culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Heritage & Culture
Any project that recognises outstanding commitment to the conservation and celebration of a community’s heritage and culture.

Any project that leads towards a stronger, more resilient and thriving community or economy.